06 August 2008

Oh my god

Shatin is an amazing venue, the stables are almost right next to the
main arena.

The level of presentation is wonderful, it is such a shame it is a one
off venue. The arenas have a curious mix which seems to net fine sand
mixed with shredded newspaper. It feels OK under foot I am not sure
how it is to ride on, I will have to ask on of the guys when I get the

I bumped onto Lucky, Jester and Jag on Monday they all looked really
well and not terribly fussed by either the weather or the travel. They
all posed for some pics I will try and get some up as soon as I can
get to a computer.

By the way we are currently under a typhoon warning number 8 which
means we should be hit by a typhoon later today. Our training has been
postponed, we cannot leave the building and worst of all our breakfast
packages were not delivered so no food!!!!!!!!!!

We have a good mix of Aussie, Kiwis, poms and a yank here so it should
be great fun. Although last night was definitely too much bundy and we
didn't have dinner til after 9.30pm.

More soon J


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