30 July 2008

Only 2 more days to go!!!!

It’s Wednesday morning and I fly out on Friday afternoon.  Right now I am just trying to concentrate on wrapping everything I need to up at work and enjoying the next couple of days with the boys and Kim.  I now have a much clearer understanding of my roster and what I’ll be doing each day.  I have two 4.15am starts which should be fun, but one of those days runs non stop til the Welcome Party which then goes til midnight, so hopefully all this work at the gym and eating well will give me the stamina to go the distance.

At the moment I am just thinking about what I will get up to on my first couple of days in HK on my own.  I definitely want to do some of the touristy things like the star ferry, the peak and definitely hitting the markets.

That’s it for now, see you in HK or perhaps Singapore if I cant sleep.

This is a pick of some of the first horses arriving in HK on Saturday, I think the Aussie horses fly out today.


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